REALITY CHECK: Will Harper withdraw his made-up ads?
Coming off a week where the Conservatives were pretty testy about misquotes in TV ads, Stephen Harper released ads that were full of made-up stuff.
Here is each attack on Jack Layton in the newly released Conservative ads, and the facts (citations are from the Ads themselves.)
HARPER SAYS: “Layton planned a coalition with the Bloc Quebecois before our votes were even counted (How we Almost Gave the Tories the Boot, Brian Topp, p. 46)”
HE MADE IT UP: The only mention of the Bloc on page 46 is a reference to the number of seats they won: “The campaign went well. We emerged with 37 seats, our second-largest result in our party's history. The Tories won 143 seats; the Liberals 76; the Bloc 48. We finally had a clean balance-of-power position in Parliament. As directed by Layton, I had re-activated our scenarios committee during the course of that 2008 campaign.... We reviewed party election proposals and reached roughly similar conclusions as we did in the 2006 exercise. We could see some areas of common ground with the Conservatives (consumer protection, crime). We could also see somewhat more common ground with the Liberals. On the other hand, we were now going to have to deal with a fundamental policy disagreement with the Liberals, passionately committed as they were to Mr. Ignatieff's tax-shift, carbon-tax plan.” – Brian Topp, How We (Almost) Gave the Tories the Boot, p. 46
HARPER SAYS: “Layton was willing to make Duceppe the “Driving Force” in the Coalition (Toronto Star, October 6, 2010)”
HE MADE IT UP: Full citation: “In a book released this week Duceppe casts himself as the driving force behind the Liberal-NDP coalition agreement.” – Chantal Hébert, Toronto Star, October 6, 2010
HARPER SAYS: “Layton didn’t tell you until after the election”
HE MADE IT UP: Jack Layton has been clear about his plans to work with other parties to get results for Canadian families.
Seamus O'Regan: Do you believe so strongly in that that you would entertain even the notion of entering a coalition with the liberals in order to keep the conservatives out of power?
Jack Layton: I have worked with any other party. Maybe it goes back to my days on municipal council. You role up your sleeves and you try to solve a problem. Right now the problem we have is Stephen Harper and his Conservatives.”
–Canada AM, September 22 2008 (22 days before the election)
Jack Layton: I have worked with any other party. Maybe it goes back to my days on municipal council. You role up your sleeves and you try to solve a problem. Right now the problem we have is Stephen Harper and his Conservatives.”
–Canada AM, September 22 2008 (22 days before the election)
Making stuff up in TV ads is more proof that Ottawa is broken.