Sunday, April 17, 2011

Campaign Update


We have completed 3 weeks of this election – with 2 more to go. Here are some observations from this point in the race:
  1. WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT CAMPAIGN TEAM! About a dozen men, women and youth make up the core of my Election Team. They have:
    1. good skills
    2. great team cohesion,
    3. intense moments of problem solving,
    4. also times of laughter.
  2.  NATIONALLY – this has been a good three weeks for New Democrats.
    1. Jack Layton has proclaimed the vision and message very clearly:
      1. Solid issues on environment, health care and government ethics support the NDP platform.
    2. The Conservatives, nationally, have stumbled through one glitch after another,
      1. Most recently, the ugly Helena Guergis publicity;
      2. The barring of potential dissenters from Tory rallies;
      3. Edmonton Strathcona Conservative candidate, Ryan Hastman, confessing he is "losing";
      4. and many more.
  3. LOCALLY – there is lots to celebrate
    1. An energetic phone canvas 4 nights a week, with cell phones we have purchased;
    2. Coffee parties just now in full swing;
    3. A sign campaign we are winning!
    4.  My own solid track record on the environment and social issues that wins support from many wavering voters;
    5. A fluid mood out there (which we hear repeatedly through the phone canvas) that many voters are considering other options besides the standard Conservative one for this riding.
  4. LOOKING AHEAD – We look forward to the round of all candidate forums, which will give us a chance to speak clearly to local voters, and challenge other candidates. We will also be reminding the many undecided voters that NDP candidates have run second in the last two federal elections in Lethbridge, and in this riding are the obvious choice for those who have had enough of Harper’s domineering, controlling style, shabby ethics, outrageous environmental stance, tenuous support for health care and more.

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